
Maybe It's 'Genetics' OR Maybe It's a VACCINE INJURY - A Compilation Of Historical Vaccine Injury Studies

  Vaccine Injury is nothing new... it's just rarely talked about... Vaccine injuries are more common than most people know.   This post will include the following sections below: Vaccination as Contamination Aseptic Meningitis and the MMR Vaccinations and Leukemia/Lymphomas Vaccines and Chromosome Changes Leading to Mutations Vaccines and Autoimmunity Vaccinations and Diabetes Other Articles Linking Diabetes to Vaccines Vaccines and Nervous System Changes Vaccines and Demyelination Vaccinations and Seizures Vaccines and Brain Swelling Vaccines and Neurological Damage Vaccinations and Unexplained Diseases Vaccines and Metabolism Vaccines and Skin Disorders The Polio Vaccine And Cancer Vaccinations and Autism Resolving and Reversing Vaccine Injury Vaccination as Contamination “Our findings indicate that vaccinal immunity might facilitate an evolutional event through antigenic selection, genetic mutation among virulent virus popula